We offer computerized and free hand quilting services. We use the HandiQuilter Fusion and Infinity that has beautiful stitches. Quilting: Price is based on size and design: square inch (Width x Length = square inches) $0.02 per square inch for and Edge to Edge 3" basic open meander based on design. $0.03 per square inch for an Edge to Edge based on 2" medium dense quilting design. $0.04 per square inch for a heavy dense quilting design Edge to Edge based on 1". $0.05 per square inch for Edge to Edge with one outside separate border. $0.06 and up per square inch for Custom work including sashings, block work, and border quilting. $50 minimum set up fee. Thread: We offer a nice variety of threads to choose from or will special order thread for you. Solid color is $5 per selection Variegated $10.00 per selection Batting: We offer a wide selection of batting for an additional fee. Backing /Lining: Please ensure the backing/lining is 4" wider and longer than the quilt top. If it is pieced please remove the selvage edge. We will prepare the backing for you for $25.00. Binding: (linear inch = width+width+length+length) Your prepared 2 1/2" binding, by machine attached for you to hand stitch to back $0.10 per linear inch If we attach your prepared 2 1/2 inch binding, by machine to front and back it's $0.15 per linear inch If we prepare your supplied fabric for binding, by machine to front only it's $0.20 per linear inch If we prepare your supplied fabric for binding, by machine to front and back it's $0.25 per linear inch
All quilt tops and backings should be pressed with loose threads cut. Please don not baste; quilt top, backing, and batting together, they are loaded on the quilting frame separately. Please contact us at 910-987-3276 Thank you!